Assignment 2-- Aperture & Shutter

These are the very first four photos I have been taken with knowing what I was doing. After learning about aperture, shutter speed and ISO etc… I was shocked to find out how great photos cameras can take without editing in PS!

The Motion Blur was taken by accident. I was gonna shooting the MRT train. But the lady was walking around. Because the train would be gone soon, so I lost my patient, just shooting a lot of it. Then few of them got the lady in it. Surprisingly, it looks better than the ones with her. So I picked this one. But after tutorial, the teacher said I need someone there, but the position is not right…

Here’s one I took with someone at the right side which I hope would be a good one! I like the person I got in the photo wasn’t purposely posing there. It’s real life!

Freeze Action, I wasn’t really like to shooting a friend jumping, coz I was afraid there would be too many students shooting the same type of photos. (turns out I was right) However, I did catch a good moment of my friend jumping, and it is taking in a tree house which looks like a cage. So I was trying to say he wants to escape! Anyway, the teacher said I need a neat background. So another need to retake....
Shallow-Depth-of-Field, these one is a retake one already, instead the one I shown during tutorial. The one I shown in tutorial is a flower. It’s not really an interesting subject to shoot at. So when I was out shooting for another assignment I took this one.
Deep-Depth-of-Field, I was also using the same flower one during the tutorial, coz I didn’t know we could use different one for both shallow one and deep one. Plus, I thought by using the same one, the difference should be more clear! Anyway, I always like this kind of chairs and desks, especially beside beach!