Assignment 5: Emotions Capture

The last assignment—Emotions Capture. It sounds quite hard to me because we are supposed to choose one NON-HUMAN subject. Compare to an assignment like this, to capture a human’s emotions seems relatively very easy now… the requirement is at least 3 different emotional expressions which can be:
 Peace, serene, calm, harmonious, tranquil
 Happy, cheerful, satisfied, delighted, joyful
 Progressive, active, advancing
 Lonely, abandoned, desolate, solitary
 Sad, gloomy, miserable, depress, solemn
 Chaos, disorder, turmoil, mess
To be totally honest, I don’t know half of the words above… maybe that’s why I have trouble with naming the emotions of my photos I took and edited. But anyway, I was very happy when MS. Jing said she likes my series, it’s the naming part get wrong…
Anyway, first let’s start with how I choose my subject. To think of things bring out emotions out of me, I start think about my childhood… I always remembered (at least I thought it’s a memory of mine… but imagination…) when I was little, once I was eating fairy floss. It was a windy day, the fairy floss get blew away… I had this vivid memory watching it flying away… it reminds me balloons which just similar in sharp and also contains a lot of childhood memories of mine…
That’s how I decided to choose some balloons as my subjects! I imaged the photos in my head; they were prefect, although I don’t know how to shot most of them. So I decide to get some balloons first and just go out shot photos with them!
Here’s the first one come to my mind which has the effects I could actually archive.
I was gonna name it LOST or SOLITARY.

My classmates don’t see solitary in it… I capture the moment just before the balloon disappear in the sky which I thought a single balloon in position like this could perfectly portray the ideal of loneliness…
People said it more likely capture the emotion of freedom. Actually I adjust the colors into dark ones to bring out sad emotions… change the color of the balloon from yellow to red to enhance abstract. I am thinking about change it to freedom which need more work to change the color back…
As I said I have trouble to name these emotions… the second one which I named Reminiscence, people say they don’t feel that either… I am gonna change this to Dreamy!

Last one, actually was the least satisfy one among these three. I named it Peace, by imaging lying on the beach, looking at the sky. See the floating balloons and top of a tree… but people just say don’t feel that way… in conclusion…. Apprentaly, my photos just don’t bring any emotions out of anyone......

I don’t know how to name this one yet… even thinking about change to another one!