Class Exercise B -- Surrealism

"Surrealism style uses visual imagery from the subconscious mind to create art without the intention of logical comprehensibility.” – I believe this is a good explanation of surrealism.

Here's some good images I think qualify surrealism.

We did a class exercise during lecture.

Here’s our group’s work: Definition of Surrealism: A photo that brings out the thoughts of a subconscious mind in an irrational manner.

We created something we want to present as surrealism. We put a lion’s mouth on a green apple.

We make the apple biting a human’s arm. Here’s a explanation why we got this idea and concept:
Genetic modification of food or plants and use of pesticides for the cultivation of food has altered them so much so that it might come back to haunt us. We eat apples because it is presumed to be healthy but now with genetic modification and use of pesticides, it may harm our health.